Clown fighting?


New Member
Ok I've read that having 2 clowns was actually good, I have a 35 gallon tank and my clowns arn't fighting horribly but they are chasing eachother and nipping at eachother :(. Should I take one back :notsure: . I figured a 35 gallon would be plenty big enough for both of them I guess I might have been wrong


I figure its just a dominance dance, nothing to worry about unless you see actual damage going on. What kind of clown fish?

nm reef

Active Member
Its natural for a pair to fight to establish dominance...what type clowns?
With luck one will establish themselves before any serious damage is done.


New Member
Percula clowns :D. One is kinda twitching like I've read in other threads so hopefully they won't hurt eachother. Thanks guys


i've read that a common sign of a pair (or those in the process of pairing up) is for the larger to dash at the smaller and for the smaller to twitch to show submission. i know my old pair of bicinctus did so regularly and now my one clarkii and one gold stripe have begun to do so to each other (which i don't imagine is normal). i'm no expert so can someone confirm or disconfirm this?


New Member
They seem to be doing a lot better this morning I haven't seen them go at eachother at all, WHEW. Thanks guys :jumping:


New Member
Ok I got home and they seem to be doing good still, every once in a while the smaller one will swim up and nip at the other one but it doesn't look real aggresive. I don't know if its just playing or what :notsure: ? The other one doesn't strike back or anything it just keeps on swimming around like normal so I'm not thinking that its hurting it or anything. Anyone have any Idea's? Is that kinda normal or should I be concerned?


Ok, is it just me or are you not supposed to put 2 clowns in an aquarium unless they are a mated pair or one is significantly larger than the other?


Well if they are not a mated pair yet. Then you have to make them one by putting them together. If you dont put them together at once, then your defeating the purpose of making them a pair. And for them to be a pair, they dont HAVE to be that much different in just helps out the process, by making it quicker so less damage is done to them.


Originally Posted by LemonPeel2 just helps out the process, by making it quicker so less damage is done to them.

I think you just made my point...



Yes but you said that they have to be significantly different in size for two to become a mated pair. You were saying it as a necessity.......not an aid.

Joe C.


New Member
They are doing really well now, I haven't seen them go after eachother at all now and I've watched them for well over an hour or so this morning. They are both eating well and seem happy. Thanks guys :joy: