Clown FINALLY Hosting..........featherduster


Active Member
Well I finally got to see one of my clowns hosting. It just happened to be in my Hawaiian Featherduster though. It roughly took them 3 1/2 months to get this point. Just wanted to share in my excitement. And just think, the anemone is right there.



Active Member
AWESOME!! I find it simply amazing sometimes, when they choose things such as feather dusters when there is a long tentacle anemone in there!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
AWESOME!! I find it simply amazing sometimes, when they choose things such as feather dusters when there is a long tentacle anemone in there!
Especially Adam since it was right next to it. By the way, ygm


Active Member
u got mail too!! And thats weird, I wonder why a clown would choose a feather duster over an anemone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
u got mail too!! And thats weird, I wonder why a clown would choose a feather duster over an anemone.
Try your other account. I can't seem to send anything to spacegeek


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
ygm...that box was RIDICULOUS.
ygm too. It was pretty water damaged from leaking and smashed huh?!


Active Member
That is so wierd that it would choose a feather duster over the lta. I've seen them hosting in feather dusters before but thats when they're wasnt an anenome in the tank. Theres an anenome just a couple inches away from it in this case and it still takes the fd over the lta. So wierd!!!


well you have to remeber, that in our time of the industry with fish being tank raised or tank-bred, that the natural instinct for a clown to host an anenome is sometimes lost, especially if they are 4th or 5th generation of tank rasied. I bought a tank bred and rasied Percula for my FOWLR and it took 2 months for the clown to realize that the anenome is his home. It is crazy to see the clown in a Feather, it is a first for me, but hey what ever keeps the little guy happy i say.


Active Member
Yea, I'm just glad they chose something. Ha! My wife thinks I'm nuts cause I was like "Hey look, look they're in the duster" (as she rolls her eyes)


don't you just love when they host anything =)........
Like yesterday I got a anemone and I had a clown in my tank and i swear in 3 minutes they were in love, and he doesnt leave the it normal for my clown to keep sucking on teh tentacles of the anemone, is this usual??? here is a pic of my clown w/ his best friend



Actually I have no idea....hahahaha
The LFS where I buy he gave me for $10.00 bucks and I thought that it was health and very normal, so I got it.....and he is a beauty, but could be astonishing under MH'S lighting...
If someone could tell me what anemone is this, would be great??


Active Member
Wow!!! 10 bucks, sounds lik eyou got a good deal! It looks kinda like an bubble but I'm not sure.


Clowns are definitely weird. Mine are hosting in my Frogspawn and it's right next to my BTA. Here are a few pics
