clown fish hosts



Does anyone have a suggestion on a coral that will host a pair of clown fish? They have killed a flower pot and now they are looking around and checking out my brain coral and Xenia. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I understand that I can not put an anemone in my reef tank as they will not stay put....where I want it to be. PLEASE HELP FAST :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharonafix
Does anyone have a suggestion on a coral that will host a pair of clown fish? They have killed a flower pot and now they are looking around and checking out my brain coral and Xenia. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I understand that I can not put an anemone in my reef tank as they will not stay put....where I want it to be. PLEASE HELP FAST :help:
flower pots are not the hardest and long lived anyway. My anemone attached himself to a lr after "I placed him where I wanted", so I moved the LR. He's never looked better.


So you are saying that you got an anemone and placed it in your reef tank and it attached to a rock. You then moved the rock to where you wanted it and it stayed!
What kind of anemone do you reccommend for clown fish?


Active Member
clown fish COULD host any coral. It depends on the fish itself. Anywhere from frogspawns, to toadstools, to brains, even mushrooms!!!! It depends completly on the fish. You cannot simply get a coral that your clown will automaticly host. Some will host something immediatly, some will never host a coral, but may host something like a corner of a tank. It depends on the fish.
also if you do decide to go with an anenome, different types of clowns will host different species. There is a stickied thread about this on the top of the clownfish and anenomes section.


What type of clownfish? Certain types of clownfish prefer Certain types of anemones...although it still is not guaranteed. The best strategy is to buy a clownfish (or pair) that is already hosting that anemone..however weird things still can happen...


My two Perc Clowns share my Frogspawn. They protect it nicely. When I clean the front glass they nip at my hand to let me know not to get too close. Once I figure out how to load a picture I'll send you one.


I guess what I am trying to find out is what coral will not retrack or die, if hosted by clowns. My clowns want something in the top corner of my tank and if frogspawn will stay open and allow clowns to go in and out, I want to get that coral. Just need something that will not retrack and stay inside whenever the clowns are around. Any further info??


Active Member
if you go on the clown fish and anemone posting place you will find out alot of info on clowns and hosts, thomas 712 posted it and has help alot of people out and its very infomational maybe it will help you out.


Active Member
it realy depends on the coral than....... some will host clowns well, while others will die. It doesnt realy have anything to do with the species. Heck, i have seen someone on here whos clownfish is hosting a feather duster (and the duster stays open)


The Frogspawn won't die. It does retract at night, which doesn't seem to bother the clowns. It took a month before they took to it.