Clown fish identification


I have read things that talk about the different types of clown fish. But it is hard to tell. One tried to say the true percula clowns are from the ocean and the False are tank raised. That is not true according to the better sources. Can anyone help me identify the clowns that i have. When I purchased them they were not tank raised. The pictures i have are not the best. If you can help please do so.



+1, I think they are nicer and better natured than True Perculas. No such thing as a 'False percula' They are Ocellaris Clowns.


Active Member
At first glance, I thought you stole my tank pictures! XD Our tanks look very simmaler, with the two clowns front and center, a blue fish in the back (mimes a damsel though), and the GSP and featehrduster in the background. lol
Nice little fish, i love my clowns almost as much as I love my dog. everytime I put my hand in the tank, they nuzzle up against it looking for food.


They're Ocellaris Clownfish as others have responded. With such bright colorations, I'd venture to say that they are more than likely tank raised Ocellaris, are you positive they're not tank raised?
There's no such thing as a "False Percula" although many LFS's seem to have jumped on the band wagon with this term. A "False Percula" is an Ocellaris (also known as your common clownfish)


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
There's no such thing as a "False Percula" although many LFS's seem to have jumped on the band wagon with this term. A "False Percula" is an Ocellaris (also known as your common clownfish)
Thank you for confirming this! I was just thinking maybe for some reason I go it wrong! The guy who told me I usually never believe as he lies so much! But he was right this time.


Thank you all for your comments. They were supposed to be wild caught. They were not as good of color when I got them. I feed them only frozen foods.