Clown Fish In the Flow?


I recently got my first clown fish (Ocellaris) and he seems to sit in the flow of my power heads constantly. It looks like he's fighting pretty hard, however since this is my first I can't be sure. He is definitely able to get out of the flow however, because when I feed him, he just pops right up to the surface and follows the food around the tank. Is this normal behavior for a clown fish to want to be in the flow to this degree? Or is he maybe still just getting used to the tank? Maybe I should adjust the flow of my power heads? I don't want to wear him out...


Active Member
If he can get out perfectly fine, it just means hes happy and playing in the current. It also tricks them to thinking that they are swimming in a larger body of water.
I've seen my clown do this time to time.


Thank You :) He doesn't seem too particularly upset.. However, I wouldn't exactly know what an upset fish would look like considering he's my first


Active Member
mine does this too and it tricked me before. but as long as he isnt battered by it then he is just enjoying the current.