Clown Fish not eating


I have a fp Clown, and have had him for about a month, up until last week he was eating voraciously, and readily accepted frozen brin as well as his favorite, flakes. But he suddenly stopped eating, and doesnt even look at the food. He started to act very lazily, usually hovering in one spot close to the sand. His coloring has NOT dulled, if anything has become a bit brighter, and he has no irregular spots on him. The other fish are not picking on him, but his mate seems to dart at the other fish when they swim past him. I dont know what to do, I think it is an internal parasite, since he shows no signs of brook, or ich. He also has white feces, which I have read could be a sign of an internal parasite. What does anyone else think?
Thanks, Tera


I have looked through some of these articles and most diseases and infections show physical signs of illness...where as my clown just has somewhat irregular breathing, and lack of any appetite as well as hovering by the sand...I have not yet found symptoms that match...any ideas?
Thank you


New Member
I had a true perc exhibit the same characteristics as you mention about a month ago. He just layed around in the LTA for over a week and did not feed and seemed lethargic. His mate was fine. I was a bit worried as well and was anxious of the situation. All of sudden, a week or so later he began feeding again! My pair are currently both doing great and are healthy. Just wanted to share my experience as you never know??


My maroon is doing the exact same thing...looks normal, but not eating and rapid breathing (and not leaving her bta to chase the other fish). No other symptoms either! All other tank inhabitants are fine and all test levels normal. Hopefully she'll perk up soon.