Clown fish sleeping??


Every morning when I wake up I turn on the lights in my tank. I have two clown fish that are laying on the bottom of the tank. Their bellies are on the sand. The other position they are in are upside down. Their faces are pointing at the bottom of the tank. It takes them a few minutes to start moving. Is this normal. Are they sleeping. :confused: Please let me know if anyone else has experienced this.


My 2 perc clowns seem to never sleep! i stay up late, usually 1 or 2 am, and they are always still swimming around (lights are off, but you can still kinda see in the tank). in the morning, my wife gets up at 6am or so, and they are swimming. they seem to be very very active... one funny thing that happens is that all the curtains are clsoed in the morning except for one window, and it is not the side the sun comes up on- but a little light gest in. 1st thing in the morning, they swim tilted at a 45 degree angle with their tops towards the window! i have read that fish use light to help balance, and if i turn the lights in the tank on, they straighten right up- turn them off, and within about 30 seconds, they go tilted again! it was really funny when we discovered this- my wife thought they were sick.... but they were just trying to sit up straight! :)


I have one that sleeps stuck inbetween branches of a torch coral, and one that sleeps on his side at the surface. (My husband thought it was sick and dying) I'd seen him do it everynite after lights went out. :D


I am thankful other people have experienced this besides me. I was worried they were getting ready to die. Thanks for the response. :D


my clowns seem to hover twds the bottom on the opposite side of the tank where the pwr head is, it seems like they just sit there and sway :cool: