Clown fish stay in one corner!


I have a small anemone, but i did have an aggresive fish which i did take out about 4 months ago (which may have cause them to hide there), so the clown fish have been in the tank for around 5 months now. They dont seem to go anywhere but in the top corner, which is well covered by the filter
. Or i they do they just swim around the top, i just want them in a more visible spot ^^. Does anyone have any suggestions in a way to get them down ?
here are some pics:



Maybe its waitting for food so try and get the fish food to the bottem of the tank maybe by useing pellets.


my one clown likes the corner too :mad:
The other swims about, but not as much as I wanted. Then again, I only had them for a couple of days. Just like you, I want to know how we can get them out of that corner.


Active Member
Often times clowns with be sceptical about being open swimmers when theyre younger, especially if there's bigger fish int he tank. it looks like your clowns are hanging out near the anemone. Are they hosting it? If so, that's why they're always stayin up around there..
How big is the tank? It doesnt look near big enough for a Blue tang and a sailfin...?


The tank is 82x44x58cm or 155 litres, im from Australia :p, different measurments i think. And my blue tang is still very small compared to the tank. Is that too small ?
But i have never seen the clowns in the anemone before


I have heard from Aquarium Fish Magazine,
"that it sometimes depends where you put the fish at in the tank when you are finished acclimating."


I have pink skunk clowns and it took them about 6 weeks before they came out of the corner of my 58. I don't have any big fish in there with them though. I even had to net them out of my internal overflow. The smallest one I had to rescue three times. The other just once. Then I put my glass cover on top of the tank and haven't had a problem since. I have a BTA in the tank with them but they like my green anchor better. Sorry I can't offer any advice except to wait. Good luck!