Clown fish taken to mushroom


I have two percula clowns and no anemone in our 90g. Suddenly one or both of the clowns has taken to our green pimpled mushroom coral(which has quarter- to half-inch long tentacle-like polyps all over them - the pimples - and I suppose that a desperate clown might take to them as an alternative to an anemone). I was just totally amazed since we've had both clowns and mushrooms in this tank for almost a year, and this behavior just started yesterday and the one clown hardly leaves the mushrooms alone now.
The larger clown seems to be in the mushrooms the most, and is chasing all the other fish away (they seem a bit surprised since this clown has never shown them any aggressive/territorial behavior before!). The smaller of the two clowns was in amongst the mushrooms yesterday, but is now hanging out near the bottom of the tank below the mushrooms.
I guess I need to read up on clown/anemone behavior, but is my smaller clown being intimidated by the larger one, or are they different sexes and is this mating-related behavior? I guess I mainly want to know if the smaller clown is in any danger, but I'd love to better understand what's happening with them.
The one hanging out in the mushroom coral is just incredible to watch. He seems to be putting his mouth on the polyps, but not injuring them. Pardon my excitement, this is just sooooo cool!


Wow, someone could write a magazine article about hobbyists' experiences with unusual clownfish hosts! Your stories are great! I didn't realize we woundn't be able to move the coral now!

It's nice to have folks like you to share with. I'm dying to tell people and they can't really appreciate it without seeing it. My teenage daughter thinks I'm a loon because I spend so much time watching them and talking about it.