clown fish time line


How long does it take a baby clownfish to grow up to full size?
Baby as in... starting at 34 an inch or so.
Also, one of my false perc. clown fish doesn't have much black around his white stripes, or his fins.. is this something that develops over time? And no, I'm not talking about splotches of black like on a true perc. One of mine already has nice bold black outlines, ( he was obtained from a different LFS though) so I'm just wondering if the other one's will develop more, or will he just get bigger with time?


I would like to know also. My fish are a lot smaller than the ones I've seen in some pics.
I have no idea how old these guys are though.


what is a good feeding schedule for 2 false percs?
I feed a cube of brine one night and some pellets the next. Is that good enough. I want these suckers to get bigger haha.


If you are going to feed brine, soak it in a vitamin like selcon or zoe. Mysis would be better but might be a little too big for a 3/4" clown. You can also try cyclopeze. Just vary their diet.

crypt keeper

Active Member
My clowns were 3/4 inch. I cut 1/4 off a cube then chopped that up in about 4 sections. In Half then in half. It was perfect for them.


Feeding more food will not make your fish grow faster it will pollute your tank. Do you only have 2 percs in your tank? And how big is your tank?