Clown fish turning BLACK?


My clowns just recently started going into the anemone. I have had the clowns for about 4 years or more. I was looking at them and they are turning black? Just wondering if anyone has ever seen this before?
The first three pictures are after they started hosting the anemone, the last two are before they hosted the anemone.



Active Member
My clowns did the same thing. Not sure why, they're both perfectly healthy. I have had them both for quite a while. When I bought them both, they were bright orange, the female, got REALLY dark, and know her tail is all black with one red spot, and she is red with one black line through one side of her, and of course her white lines. And the male, is kind of a burnt orange now. VERY WEIRD. I dont think its anything to worry about however, so not a big deal.


Simple sign of age. I've had mine since they were pups and that was about 5 years ago. They have done the same thing, especially the female.
Some fish get lighter as they get older as well.


definitly a sign of maturing. Mine is now 4 years old and is hosted by my penguin filter. lol