Clown fish??

ledzep fan

Active Member
Well, I have a 12 gallon nano DX with live rock and live sand. I wanted to get 2 clown fish. I also wanted to try to pair them up and i need help trying to find the difference between a male and a female. Hopefully some True Perculas. One last question, do they need a anemone to pair up or in general do they need em? I heard you shouldn't put anemones into small aquariums. Plese Help :help: :help: Thanks!
The Zep


male and female: clownfish all start out male. if you put two together, one usually gets bigger and turns female. it may be better to buy them in those respective sizes if you want them to pair up.
they don't need an anemone to pair up in captivity.
an anemone needs high water quality, good flow, and big amounts of light. it could be done in a small tank, but water conditions tend to be more fickle in a smaller tank.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Ok thanks, i think ill just get two and not worry about the --- and see if they pair up. Is this a good idea? Or should i try to get a female and a male? Thanks NE reef for the reply.
The Zep


a 12 gal. nano isn't going to be big enough for one clown never mind two of them. i suggest at least a 20 gal. IMO *shrug*


i would try to pick up the two clowns at the same time, one being niticably bigger than the other. the way i understand it, is that the clowns may or may not pair up. getting one that is bigger will increase your chances.


Imo, if you keep the water parameters good yoi could keep two clowns in there, what kind of clowns are you thinking about getting.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Well i like the Perc. clowns. What do you guys think? I just like clown fish so much! Thanks!
The Zep


a pair of pecs would stay small enough for your 12 gallon. false percs are also small and easy to care for.


somebody had goods pics of both species.
search for "difference between Oscellaris and Perculas"


I agree you could keep two clowns in your tank. You would have to keep the tank clean and in good condition. But clowns are pretty cool.


i bought to false percs the same size(they were the biggest in the tank) anyway after about four weeks i noticed that one clown which i presume is a female has gotten a slight bit bigger where the other has stood the same size.they love each other and go everywhere togehter hopefully this is my pair