Clown Gobies


Hi, I was wondering how the clown gobies are to keep? They are cute. Can you keep more than one in a tank? Do they hide all the time? etc.


Active Member
First of all, Welcome to the wonderful forum. Here you will get lot of help and info regarding this hobby.
I can only say that mine did not last long I think my shrimp got ahold of him. It was a green one, they are so cute and I think they would do alot better in a nano tank with some sexy shrimps that are also very tiny.
Some say they are not easy to get to eat, but I never had the chance for that to happen.
My lfs recommends them in groups, but better wait till you get some replies here from folks that have them.
I would certainly get one again now that I have a very tiny pico tank.
What type of tank, fish, corals do you currently have??
Again, welcome......


As Debbie said, be careful when it comes to choosing the goby's tank mates. My green clown goby was also harassed by my shrimp (coral banded). Avoid species that have a reputation of picking on gobies/smaller fish since clown gobies can't handle the stress of being bullied.
Also, as far as groups go, be cautious if you choose to have several together since even peaceful fish can fight with their own species. At the very least, you would need to introduce them all to the system at once so none would have a chance to become overly territorial.
Overall, they are one of my favorite fish to keep. Over time they usually stop hiding and perch on rocks, corals, and aquarium glass. Hope this helps.
They can be a PIA if you have bigger SPS colonies. They sit on the coral and crap all over it. That in turn makes the coral very unhappy and they start to die in that area. Other than that I've had no problem with them eating.


Active Member
Originally Posted by i_luv_dory
Hi, I was wondering how the clown gobies are to keep? They are cute. Can you keep more than one in a tank? Do they hide all the time? etc.
they basically need peaceful tankmates and a reef type environment psychologically. Terrible choice for fish only but also nest in acropora so not the best SPS fish either. under those conditions they are out all the time perched on a coral bouncing from coral head to coral head. Can be difficult to get eating as well. may have to entice with live brine followed by frozen mixed in with it. Sometimes its too late by the time you get them to eat. Yellows seem to be bolder and have more personality. Greens look spectacular!
the best pic I've ever taken!


i was considering them for the 60 gallon. We dont have anything in it yet except live rock and live sand. I know that we only want the peaceful fish, no bullies. We dont have any corals yet, i think our tank is still too young. I think we are going to have two clowns in the 60.
I got one for my 12gallon nano last weekend he has been hideing since i got him and i havent seen him eat im keeping my fingures crossed.


Active Member
I have a yellow. He spent almost 4 weeks in my QT and I never seen him eat. He was always alert though. He would leave his favorite piece of pvc for 30 seconds or so and then dive back into it. He has now been in my DT since 6/28. I still haven't seen him eat but he is much more visible. He has a LMB and a False Perc as tankmates who don't bother him at all. He moves around in the tank but I still haven't seen him eat. When I feed my fish the other two go crazy and he just ignores the food. He must be getting tiny bits of something though because he still appears alert. He is definitely a bottom dweller.