clown goby not eating


I'm not necessarily a newbie but then again I am no pro at this but I wasn't sure where to post it. I bought a yellow clown goby and have had him for a bout two and a half weeks. He eats very little if any and he is now losing a lot of weight. He hangs out on what's left of my clove coral and pretty much watches the food go by. I've tried emerald entree, algae flahes, chopped mysis and even soaked them in something called entyce. Any other ideas? I don't want to see him die of starvation.


New Member
yeah, I've read in a few places that cyclopeeze is a food that clown gobies are most likely to take. Give it a shot !


Active Member
or live food. You may have to entice with brine and start mixing frozen with it. typical clown goby behavior. problem is its often too late before they begin eating.


Active Member
I have yet to see even the smallest clown goby refuse live brine shrimp. I use live brine shrimp to make sure all my newlky acquired gobies and other small fish eat. May not be the most nutritious food, but they are not gonna starve. Often times it takes a movement to stimulate a fish to grab ahold of food. Once its eating BS then add in some other foods like frozen foods. Overall those little fellas do not eat a lot of food, and from my observations if they are started off with a food source that is not appealing to them or is too large for them to break off and eat, they loose interest pretty quick and just go find a coral or rock to perch on and watch the world go by while other fish consume the food. Try feeding even frozen brine shrimp and do not turn off the powerheads so it looks like it is alive from water flow. You can hatch out a batch of live brine shrimp by this time tomorrow if you have eggs. I keep a supply of bs eggs on hand all the time as they have saved me well actually a fish from time to time and they are dirt cheap to buy.