clown goby? sand sifter?


what are they "good" for?? I have an engineer goby that we were told would sift sand.. instead it makes huge holes under the live rock and outside that we never see it...
is there a goby that would stay small enough to live its life in our 37 gallon and still sift the sand? if so which would that be?


Active Member
Diamond gobies are really good sand sifters... not sure size/tank requirements.
I've heard alot of complaints on the engineer gobies digging under rock and toppling structures.


yea.. the engineer goby isnt fun so far.. it makes huge mountains of sand. thankfully i was really good about shaking the rock all the way to the bottom but its getting annoying to keep filling in the fish's hole (and ive tried leaving it alone.. that doesnt work)
Diamond gobys get HUGE...ive caught enough dang fish in this tank because they were "incompatible" with their roommates to last me a lifetime lol.. im not about to put myself in that situation again lol


i have had a 4- wheel goby which i have also heard called a 2 spot , he is a sand sifting sob but he also tunnels under my rock