Clown Goby?


I was wondering if anyone has ever had one? I seen it at the LFS and they called it a pilot fish but anfer searching I know that its actually a clown goby. SWF doesnt give alot of info on them so I have a few questions.
Do they do better alone or in groups?
Can I mix the different colors?
How big do they grow the guy at the LFS said they grow large and very fast.


i have a yellow clown goby i dont know if it does better in groups but you can mix colors and they only get like 1.5 inches


From what I have seens o far I though that you could not mix them.....thought they would battle till one is dead over territory. I would love to see some info on them though as I am not sure and only heard that from the LFS.


Active Member
I have the green clown goby in my pico tank. This is my second goby, the first one I got was very very tiny and was in my 10 gal tank and it did not last long. I think the shrimp got a hold of it but they can be very touchy to feed and make sure they get enough food.
They are very tiny when full grown 1.5" so IMO they should not be put into a tank bigger than 10 gal so they can get enough food to eat.
Make sure if you get one they are nice and full looking and not all gaunt and sucked in on the sides. As I said before they can be a challenge to feed.
Lovely little fish, mine is doing so well and is a very good eater taking frozen foods and flake foods too.
I don't know about mixing them, I would think just like any of the goby family they to would be protective in their area.
You also have to be careful what you put in the tank for fish with them due to their size.


New Member
I have a yellow clown goby & a green clown goby. They are small. They get along just fine. They are in my 75 gallon & they are pigs. They get plenty to eat. They race around gobbling as much as they can.