Clown Help


New Member
I bought a second clownfish to go in my 10g tank. The first clownfish is very healthy, and seems to like his new home. The second clownfish seemed fine as well for a few days. But for almost the whole last week he has moved very little, staying low in the tank and not moving around much. He eats very little as well, as if he doesnt like what I'm feeding him (I've tried several different types of food).
Any ideas? I've tested the water multiple times and it all tests fine. Had a big high Specific Gravity, so lowered that with a few water changes.


Active Member
What kind of clowns are they? Is the new one smaller or larger than the first one? Exactly what is the specific gravity and temp now? :D


New Member
Perculas. They are both the same size (Although purchased seperately).
Tank temp is 80
Gravity is 1.025.


Active Member
You may have 2 females.... they usually won't get along. If you added a smaller one it would become the male and the larger established one would become the female. :D


Active Member
A clown that does not eat is not a good sign (normally they will eat until they explode).
10 gallons is a smaller tank. What else is in the tank?
What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH)?


New Member
They aren't fighting or anything. Only other thing in there are 3 turbo snails. Live sand and live rock.
I'll test parameters.