clown help


my tank is still in the cycle...its been going for about 4 days now. I took my water in to ***** (dont have a tester YET) and they said eveything was really good. I did have some live sand and rock my brother in law gave to me, so I dont think it will take long to cycle. They said it was ready when I went there...Im still going to wait another week or so. I was wondering what would go good with a clown fish, or should I just put 2 in my tank. Its only a 10 gallon.


Active Member
Before you do anything you need to get a test kit . Do not trust an employee especially at a ***** . Get a good test kit that you can test ph , ammonia , nitrite , nitrate , phosphate , and a hydrometer to test salinity .


I got a hydrometer, what kit should I get? And tell me again..i forget..what levels go up and down in order, so i know. ammonia needs to stay low then drop to 0, nitrite and nitrate i cant remember...sorry


Active Member
Ammonia goes up first, then come down as it's converted to nitrite. Nitrite comes down when it gets converted to nitrate. Zero ammonia and zero nitrite mean cycle complete. Nitrate you basically control with water changes.


the first 4 days is not enough to notice anything, your water will be perfect, so that is not going to cut it. Clowns can very likely live through the cycle, but it is very hard on them, I do not recommend it.


I do have lots of live sand and rock that was givin to me...I'm sure my cycle time will be "shorter", and again, maybe not. I plan on gettion a raw shrimp tonight to put in the it along.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
"It's ready" from a ***** employee translates into "I'm ready to sell you anything I can"
Amen. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the fish section at a local *****, and some inexperienced newbie is buying everything the employee is telling them to buy, ie. tank, filter, along with a bag of live fish. Sending them home to fail miserably and probably never diving into the hobby any further because "it's too hard".