It was amazing. BY THE BOOK type stuff. Its a 4 mo old tank and ive been ON TOP of allmy stuff. Got clams for trates, hang on back fuge and tons of rock for bio filtration, chemi pure for the chemical, floss.. etc.....
ANY WAYS to the awsome story. Had this hatian pink tip in there for 3 weeks, and my juvymaroon didnt go near it.
Today i bring home a gorgeous BTA, about 4 to 5 inches open and the maroon took a double take, and about 7 seconds to swim to it. HOSTED!
My hand was still in the tank getting the bta in a really good spot for anchoring and light when the maroon was already there.
It was amazing. I feel kinda lucky.
hand kinda tingles a little.
Also is it normal for the clown to act like hes getting stung at first? cuz as I was taking the pic and uploading it he looked like he was getting "pricked" but was trying to stick it out. are they working out "their differences"?
ANY WAYS to the awsome story. Had this hatian pink tip in there for 3 weeks, and my juvymaroon didnt go near it.
Today i bring home a gorgeous BTA, about 4 to 5 inches open and the maroon took a double take, and about 7 seconds to swim to it. HOSTED!
My hand was still in the tank getting the bta in a really good spot for anchoring and light when the maroon was already there.
It was amazing. I feel kinda lucky.
hand kinda tingles a little.
Also is it normal for the clown to act like hes getting stung at first? cuz as I was taking the pic and uploading it he looked like he was getting "pricked" but was trying to stick it out. are they working out "their differences"?