I got this huge beautiful goniapora about a week ago, and now the clowns are hosting it. They lost their anemone about a month ago, so they got into the goniapora as soon as they saw it.
I decided to get an anemone to get them to host the anemone. What I did was cut amilk jug in half and put it over the goniapora, so the clowns cant host it. I was hoping that they would venture away and discover the anemone, and host it.
I would just like some reasurance that what I'm doing is ok, and maybe the encouragement, or If anyone has tried anything like this, or if you think this will work.
Anything would be much appreciated!
I decided to get an anemone to get them to host the anemone. What I did was cut amilk jug in half and put it over the goniapora, so the clowns cant host it. I was hoping that they would venture away and discover the anemone, and host it.
I would just like some reasurance that what I'm doing is ok, and maybe the encouragement, or If anyone has tried anything like this, or if you think this will work.
Anything would be much appreciated!