clown hosting in brain


my ocellaris clown is hosting in my green brain and its pissing it right off is there anything i can do asap i have had anemones but the dont like it in my tank . i dont want him to kill my brain it was rather expensive and is one of my favorite corals


Active Member
Remove the clownfish i'd say.. or try to get him something else to host... i'd love to see a pic :)


i was thinking about adding another anemone i can't really remove him b/c i would have to take the whole tank apart. I wish i had a camera to take a pic though bc it is kinda funny


Active Member
Before I started getting into saltwater I KNEW that clown fish liked anemones... and took to them.. but I had no idea they would take to other things :p I have heard to them taking to plastic anemones, all kinds of corals, powerheads... funny little things... :happyfish


FYI i had a florecent(SP) green brain, that my maroon clown started hosting in. it was dead within two weeks, the brain not the fish.
i would do something quick if i was you. don't know what since i lost my brain, i guess you wouldn't want my advice.