Clown hosting mu Sun


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cant see the pics


New Member
I feed the tank throughtout the day and they are out most of the day and night. Buth this picture was taken at night, I was feeding my rhizo.


Are they easy to keep, the sun coral, i have been looking at those for when i get my 55g set up.. What is your over all opinion of them


New Member
Originally Posted by MissNano
Are they easy to keep, the sun coral, i have been looking at those for when i get my 55g set up.. What is your over all opinion of them
Hello MissNano,
I love these corals, such beautiful colours. Very easy to keep and you can place them almost anywhere in your tank, they require a bit of direct flow. I have some in the shade, some in direct light(Under VHO T5-48 watts) and no issues. Just have to feed them at least every other day, a good mixture of food. Just make sure you have an eye out for the nutrient export. At the moment I have no slkimmer and doing 15-20% weekly water changes, My orange spotted goby is a big help, cleaning up the excess. If you get a small frag, within a month or so, you will see small baby polyps developing, just takes the time and care to have them trive in your system.