Clown Hosting Question


Hi guys,
I have a perc and he needs a home. I don't have enough lighting or space for an anemone, I will be getting the 12g JBJ Nano Cube, Deluxe comes with 48 watts of 50/50 lighting (still trying to find other lights I can replace those withs that have higher wattage and/or actinic--if you have any suggestions please let me know, don't want to retrofit, just replace bulbs).
What possible corals can I get that my clown could possibly host in that could thrive under my tank's conditions? Thanks.


Active Member
You can try some hairy mushrooms, she may go for that.
For the bulbs, you can just buy new bulbs. You can't go higher than 48 watts without retrofitting anything, but you can switch bulbs to get some actinics into there.


Thanks for the replies.
Bang: I know that an anemone won't thrive in my tank, which is why I was looking for coral alternatives. Thank you!
So Hairy Mushrooms...I've heard some leathers? Anybody know what kinds could be good?

bang guy


Guess I should have read the post more than once.. sorry...
I've found Green Hairy Mushrooms to be both easy to keep and hardy enough to handle Clownfish abuse.


LOL np at all Bang--you've helped me plenty times before so I was pretty sure it was just a misunderstanding. Last I was on the boards, you were busy with a new are they doing?
Thank you for your responses everybody, I will definitely look into purchasing one of these (maybe one of each coral eventually...slowly hehe)...hopefully my li'l clown will find one of them suitable to be a buddy. That power head seems to not return his love ;)...
Even when I finally get my own place and have the space to finally upgrade to a 40g, I hardly think I will get an anemone, they are just...scary to me :)...
I looked at the Hammer coral, they look very pretty but not under the "easy maintenance" corals...but thank you for the suggestion, perhaps someday I will look into a bigger tank that one can reside in.
The toadstool and hairy mushrooms look more like my alley. With my 12g Nano Cube--do you think a frogspawn would be inappropriate in my tank? I've read they're quite aggressive and will sting neighboring corals. Any thoughts on this?

barry cuda

I've got a small frogspawn in my Nanocube (bought it as an established tank with the frog already in) and haven't observed any problems at all. The only other LPS in the tank is a candy cane that looks good when it hasn't been knocked over recently. The shrooms and zoos right next to the frog are multiplying like crazy (1 small shroom six months ago, now up to 14-15 polyps and several very large, so they don't seem to be suffering).
This isn't to say you won't have any issues...just that it's worked out for me so far. OTOH, the ocellaris in the tank don't give the frog even a 2nd look, so YMMV.