That is the store... how did you know? It is called Greenwich Aquaria. The guys that work there are phenomenal and they get some incredible livestock. Anyone within 100 miles should atleast come by for a visit. They have a 580 gallon show tank with this couch. An LPS Tank, an SPS tank, a Softy tank, a zoo and other polyp tank, and they have about 40 fish tanks. Their website is you cant buy anything online but you can see some of their stuff, the pics of the tanks are old and all the tanks are completely filled up. They have won awards and everything. Their prices are only like 15% more than online.
I cant get a pic of the anemone. All the pics i tried to get, everything just looks brown because my camera doesnt like the light from the MH, and when the PC's are on you cant see the color at all. I have a cheap little camera, i want to go get a new one.