clown hosts a feather duster


Active Member
Well now I've seen it all. My clowns which are new to the 90 gallon are hosting one of my feather dusters. Its crazy...I cant believe that the duster tolerates it. Is this bad for the duster? Should I worry?


That's a great pic....
If the duster thought that there was any danger it would retract. So I don't think there is anything to worry about.


Active Member
I love that pic. I think i will try that. Do feater dusters need any special lighting or anything.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
I love that pic. I think i will try that. Do feater dusters need any special lighting or anything.
Yes, they need phytoplankton.


Active Member
Don't worry about it. My clowns have been hosting my feather dusters for months, and the dusters are fine. It's so cute too see!


i thought my clown was lost cause shes been in a lg. duster for awhile now. glad to see my clowns not not the only one.


Active Member
actually my GSM eventually killed my two feather dusters, each one he hosted for a few months before it finally died.
they slowly become stressed out and stop coming out all the way...
possibly ejecting the crown and starting to grow a new one if its strong enough, but after some time im pretty sure it will die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
actually my GSM eventually killed my two feather dusters, each one he hosted for a few months before it finally died.
they slowly become stressed out and stop coming out all the way...
possibly ejecting the crown and starting to grow a new one if its strong enough, but after some time im pretty sure it will die.

I bought alot of extra dusters-I have about 10, so they aren't in any patricular one all that much.


Active Member
thats good, then you may have a better chance of survival. My clown stayed with the one he chose until it died , at which point he made the switch.
Clowns will host a lot things that are soft, they have been known to host Mushroom corals as well as Xenia, Leathers, Frogspawns and more...


Active Member
I have 2 frogspawn and a bta right next to one of the dusters but the clowns still won't go in it.