clown in trouble

ray fdny

New Member
i have had my clown for about two weeks and has been actng normal until about 3 or 4 days ago he stoped swimming has labored breathing and will not eat. also today i noticed a long(about as long as his body) white thing coming from his rear(looks like poop but white/clear) if anybody could help i would really appreciat it
please any suggestions will do


Active Member
White, stringy feces is often an indicator of internal bacterial infection or parasites. You can try some garlic additive to the food, which sometimes helps.
Post you water parameters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ray fdny
i have had my clown for about two weeks and has been actng normal until about 3 or 4 days ago he stoped swimming has labored breathing and will not eat. also today i noticed a long(about as long as his body) white thing coming from his rear(looks like poop but white/clear) if anybody could help i would really appreciat it
please any suggestions will do
Hows you water? and we really need your perameters.

ray fdny

New Member
i aclimated him slowly... not the drip method but ive herd people refer to it as the shot glass method(like a shot of water every 5 minuts)for about an hour


Active Member
Originally Posted by ray fdny
with the garlic will i have to remove him. also is it drops or something i have no idea
If your a newbie, get this product by KENT called Garlic Xtreeme, comes with an eyedropper and everything.

ray fdny

New Member
i switch between flakes and mysis shrimp(frozen) i will try it if he starts eating again... but i cheched on him this morning and he was laying on the bottom so i went to go net him out and he was alive(hardly) now im at work i will check on him tonight..
if it is a bacterial infection will the other fish get it or am i in the clear?


Active Member
hope he does better. Mine are in hypo and eat a variety of frozen including some home made. They eat constantly.