clown jumped


That sucks. I lost a goby that way. I went and got the silver eggcrate that looks like its chrome to help reflect more light. Plus I think it looks better then the white standard eggcrate.


i lost a long nose hawkfish and a red blenny like that.($45 for the hawk and $18 for blenny) also when i put my ora baby maroon in, he leaped out of the smallest opening and onto my floor. good thing i was there to rescue him or that would have been a 30 dollar waste. i went out and bought a glass cover, it helps alot with water spray from the filter and also helps retain condensated water. alot less top off, as opposed to egg crate but the set back is that your tempature is going to skyrocket, mine is set up so only a portion of the tank is completly covered and the rest is an open area almost cabanaded with glass if that makes sence