Clown Killer!


I saw my cat this morning, thinking he was playing with some kind of toy or leaf. To my surprise it was my clown fish..
I didn't know what it was and I tried to pick him up. I finally realized and woke the house with my screams. My clowns always sleep at the top of the tank (almost floating) there is just a small enough opening at the top for him to get his paw in the tank. Which I will be fixing today. I'm SOOO MAD at him!!!! :mad:


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your clown. It's also possible that the fish jumped out and the cat played with it after jumping.


A nice Queen Trigger will stop that from happening in the future, as long as a 3 pawed cat is OK with you.


Staff member
It could be that the fish was startled and jumped. That is pretty likely. However, better to make sure that the tank is out of paws way.


DOGS DONT EAT FISH? lol. my lab will eat rocks!!! she shure as heck will eat a clown fish!! Stupid dogg, gotta luv em though.