Clown not eating


Hello everyone,
I just bought 2 clowns 7 days, a Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish and a Ocellaris Clownfish. The small Black & White Ocellaris has been eating but the other has not.
I tried cyclops, rotifers, bloodworms, seaweed and fresh chop clams but no bites. I think I saw white poo as well.
Does this mean that he cannot be saved?


I currently have 2 ocellaris's and they are picky. I switch it up between plankton, brine shrimp, and a frozen mix. Some days I have to feed them a little bit of everything so they can eat. Only thing I can recommend is keep trying to feed them new things. I heard that they are very picky eaters and will often stop eating one type of food for a little while. If that don't work, I don't know. Sorry.


try adding some garlic juice from a crushed clove of garlic. this sometimes stimulates appetite


Originally Posted by bs21
try adding some garlic juice from a crushed clove of garlic. this sometimes stimulates appetite
Any recommend in terms of garlic product?
Originally Posted by Roundboy

I currently have 2 ocellaris's and they are picky. I switch it up between plankton, brine shrimp, and a frozen mix. Some days I have to feed them a little bit of everything so they can eat. Only thing I can recommend is keep trying to feed them new things. I heard that they are very picky eaters and will often stop eating one type of food for a little while. If that don't work, I don't know. Sorry.

Baby brine shrimp, or frozen brine shrimp?


They also like mysis.....If you go to your LFS you can get a garlic liquid there if you don't have fresh cloves...


I have lots of fresh cloves. Is that effective? I just extract the juice or cut into small pieces and feed them?
do I need to turn off my power heads when feeding? I find that the food goes everywhere and I was afraid that the clown can't see or cannot catch it.
Many thanks


I do not use the fresh garlic, I use the bottled...But just use the juice. I don't turn anything off when I feed, they'll get it.


Originally Posted by meowzer
I do not use the fresh garlic, I use the bottled...But just use the juice. I don't turn anything off when I feed, they'll get it.
thank you so much. This is my first two fishes and I don't really want anything to happen to them.


Good luck with them, and if you have any other questions, just ask. There is always someone here that can answer your questions.