Clown Pairing Question



I have had a pair of mated clowns for about a year and a half. Recently I had have a outbreak of ich in my tank and have lost the male clownfish.
The female is on the road to recovery and will be back in the DT in a few weeks.
My question now is that since this female is on the larger side 2-2.5'' and has already been paired, will it be possible to get another clownfish to pair with it or will it just end up bullying it and killing any other clown that I might put in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
Chances are it will pair off fine with a new clown.
Your chances are slim, but they are there..When I lost a Perc., I took the one left for a swap with two that were paired already

bang guy

The chances depend on what species we're talking about. For Maroons it's not a good chance but with patience it can happen.
With an Ocellaris it's nearly a sure thing.
Get the smallest Clownfish you can find.


Active Member
Yea, I have ocellaris clowns and they paired off relatively easy from what I've heard that others have had to go through...