Clown problems


I just bought a clown on saturday. When I first put him in the tank he was fine.. kinda exploring. I also have two damsels in there, one blue and one striped. I made sure i asked the owner if they would be ok togther and he said yes. Now when i first put him in the srtiped didn't hurt the clown but batted it with his tail. As the night progressed he kept to the top of the water. I have been keeping a close eye on the clown today and now he is staying close to a shell nearly on the sand bed. Does this mean he is scared ?? Will he die???
These are my water conditions: Amonia 0, ph 8.4, Nitrate 10 and as for the Nitrite that is my second question. I am not getting a readign on my charts. a very light blue would be considered 0 and when i frist drop the drops in it is light blue but within mins it goes to some funny color. If anyone can help to these two things I would GREATLY appreciate it! I dont wnat anything to happen to the clown! :eek:


New Member
I have a clownfish also that I love dearly. When I first got him I had a couple of blue damsels. From the moment I put him in there I had problems. One of the damsels decided that he did not like my clown and went right after him. My clownfish was afraid to come out and just hid for the first few days. I then decided to give my girlfriend my hospital tank as a FO tank and let her have the miscreant damsel. Once I got the damsel out of the tank my clown emerged and has been fine ever since, my other damsels and it get along fine and the world appears to be good from their eyes.
I would guess it is a compatability problem. My clown also got much happier once I got him an anenome to live with.
I certainly hope your clown starts doing better.


Does this mean then if i could remove my damsel that the clown would improve ... maybe this is why he is staying the same spot!???
will he dies soon?


how long did u acclimate him for. i had the same problem with the first perc i bought. the problem was thet the LFS i bought him from has there SG at .017. my tank is at .026-.027. i dont think i acclimated mine long enough for the extream SG change he went through.he showed the same characteristics as yours is. the next one i bought i acclimated him for 1 1/2 hours. he has done great.


PH is little bit high
try to lower the PH..
salinity could be the problem as well...
good luck. :)


ok ..wel thanks for all the advice. I went home at lunch and checked on him... he is now swiming around the top to the tank.. mayeb cause the damsels are not up there??
As far as ph goes i put in 8.2 proper ph... it has always stayed between 8.3 and 8.4 not sure why.
salinty is fine
about the guy who told me to acclimate it longer? Did u lose the first clown>?? Do you all think maybe it would help if i buy him a buddy when i take back the damsels??????
Thanks! :rolleyes:


New Member
We have 2 perculas that sleep floating at the top of the tank, we have had them for at least 2 months and they swim around happily all day long and as soon as the lights go out up they go. We also have damsels in with them 3 striped and blue finned and everyone gets along fine. ;)


OK guys sorry for this long question ongoing. One last one before i head to my LFS ... I have decided since the clown is a little more active today to even out the score... i am going to go buy him a little clown friend. I will keep the two damsels and then have two clowns. Will this do it? Also who knows of a really good cleaning fish.... the brown algel in my tank will not go away and i just don't like the looks of it. Is there anything i can put in the tank for it????