Clown question


Okay, so recently I noticed my clowns were hanging out on opposite ends of the tank. Thinking I could help the situation, I coerced one clown to the other. When they got close, one clown started to float a little side ways and then began shaking! Then the other one did the same!! Are they fighting??? I had heard something similiar a while back about this but couldn't remember what it was. Can you tell me what in the heck was going on? Thanks!


Active Member
fighting for male female perfectly normal behavior and soon u will most likely have a pair like this. the male is in the shell and female inside but they might not make it there pretty sick but eat good actually only the male does. but like i said dominance whatever one is bigger is ur female.GOOD LUCK


Active Member
they may be establishing have to look in the book to make sure...but some fish do the little wiggle of their tail as a intimidation type clown does it at times as well...Joyce, who wrote clownfish says they go through a "bickering" stage before becoming a nice little team:)


Active Member
bronco she does say it im reading it right know got it yesterday ive learned alot from her she is very good at this i love the pics in it. its a BIG help


Active Member
she is very good....which nofish, i would reccomend you getting her book, its full of excellent info...its 'clownfishes' by joyce wilkerson