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alright, I prob already know the answer to this question, but anyone ever mix clown species in their tanks? I have 90 gallon with the current meager stock list of a sebae clown, a 6line wrasse and a bicolor blenny. My 19 gallon tank has 2 false percs and a watchman goby. I have been thinking about taking down the 19 gallon for some time, but dont want to get rid of these clowns. I've had them for 2 years. Is it a for sure no way???
IMO it would not be a for sure no way. It could work. On the other hand you might be asking for trouble. I believe it would depend on the size of the clowns. And if any of the clowns are hosting anything. Probably more so the sebae than the other two since the other two would be the newcomers. Before making a hasty decision though it might be a good idea to do some reading over in the clown and anemone section on these boards.
If it helps any I had 4 clowns in a 55G for a while. 2 false percs, a black and white perc, and a tomato clown. The tomato was hosting an anemone and he did not like the black and white perc at all. All he ever really did though was chase him away.