Clown Question.


I want to buy 2 black/white false percula clowns.I already have 2 false percula clowns,and 2 true percula clowns that are getting along fine.The tank that they live in,and will live in, is a 75gal. I have three anemone's,1 rose anemone,and 2 BTA anemones.Hopefully they won't fight over the anemone"s.My question is, "Will the black/white false percula clowns fight with my other clowns?Will they fight over the anemone's?


I agree it is only a matter of time before two of them become a mated pair then that is when you will more than likely begin to have problems. I hope that you decide against the addition of 2 more clowns. And I hope the 4 you have continue to do well together.


Active Member
I have three persc in a 55. What I've read suggests that the dominate one will become the female and the other 2 will become males. This is aactually ok and they should do fine. In your case I agree that different type percs/clowns w/b a problem if not now sooner or later.


Actually the largest one becomes female. The next dominate one becomes the breeding male. The third one may or may not be compatible with the other two.


I have a very evil clarkki clownfish that harrasses the heck out of my 2 true percs and my 2 false pers.I tried a trap,but it didn't work,and I can't convince my dad to help remove the clarkki if it means taking out the rocks to do so,(by the way,it's my dad that's a lawyer,not me:D ).Please list reasons why it's worth the hassle of taking out the rocks to remove a very troublesome fish from the tank,to help convince my dad to help me remove the clarkki.


If(and hopefully when)I remove the clarkki,and my 2 true percs,and my 2 false percs mate is there any chance that they will not fight?


Active Member
I would not press your luck. Clowns are territorial and maybe you are lucky that two pairs share a 75 gallon, but three is asking for problems it that size tank in my opionin. Why don't you add some other fish....I can think of a lot of pretty fish that would add variety in your tank. One of the smaller the lemonpeel, coral beauty, etc. but only one per tank. Also one of the colorful fairy wrasses would do ok with the clown fish. I like the bicolor blennys because they have cute personalities and eat almost anything. Good luck with whatever you decide. Lesley


I really only have 1 true perc and 1 false perc.I was saying that I had 2 of each kind for future reference and planning.If I got 1 more true perc,and left the false by himself( or vise versa),and the trues became a pair ( or vise versa).Would the clownfish still fight?Could I get 2 more true percs after that,or at the same time? :rolleyes: