Clown recomendations?


My last clown finally kicked the bucket.
BUT, I am planning to get a pair of clownfish although I am still deciding which kind. I want your guys'z opinion on which type of clown is your fav/or which one you enjoy most! :joy: Any recomendations?


Active Member
Get what ever kind YOU like the best...I like my Cinnimons and they are the only ones I have ever had...


i have 2 false percs and love them they are very friendly to tank mates and swim around alot.(or at least mine do)

kat 4

Personally I LOVE my tomatoe clown that I saw in the LFS and had a host anemone she loved to be in. I bought the clown and the anemone and they are so cute to watch. The clown snuggles into the anemone all the time - and if our hands go near her anemone, she will try to bite us. The pair are perfect and the neighborhood kis love to come see them....I recommend getting the two together ( but be sure they have already "bonded " together in the LFS)


Active Member
I like my two percula clowns but I would like to have a cinnamon. Maybe when the current die and hopefully no time soon! Why did your other clown die?


For some reason, I have always gravitated to the ones that tend to be more belligerent -- tomatoes, cinnamons, & maroons. So, if you are thinking of adding one of these, bear in mind that they may have some squabbles with tankmates in the future (maybe not immediately -- maybe one they start to get large). Very tough (hardy) fish, but can cause some trouble with more peaceful fish. I have never kept percs or skunks but I believe that they are generally MUCH more peaceful fish.


I love my false percs. They are very social. Mine swim up to the surface if I look in the top. They are the cutest fish IMO.