Clown skool 2

payton 350

Has anyone every kept a school of clownfish successfully?......juvi's for 2 months is not success...i'm talking min 2 years or more......


Active Member
Clownfish are NOT a schooling fish !!!!! Keeping a school of clownfish in a tank is strongly not recommended !!!


Active Member
They're probably juvenile clowns. The point is once they are matured, the dominant pair WILL kill the others in the tank. It is NOT ADVISABLE to have a school of clownfish in a tank !!!! End of story !!!

payton 350

most of us know it's not advisable or recommended, but i know people break the "rules" and was just wondering if anyone has tried it, been successful, or whatever.....


Active Member
Those who broke the "rules" usually ended up with alot of dead clownfish due to a dominant pair and thowing away alot of $$$ needlessly because they are too ignorant to come to acceptable terms that it's not going to work.

payton 350

that's what i'm trying to find out....i am not considering this nor ever will nor ever recommend it.........but if you have never done it or just heard stories then don't comment on it because you keep telling me the same thing and i know that it shouldn't be done, but i wanna know if anyone has done it and what the outcome was