clown stare off


So i purchased 2 false perks at my lfs about, ide say 2 months ago?. very small ones, they were purchased about a week apart. when they were first introduced they loved eachother. they hung out side by side all day and night. when i got my bta one of the perks took residence and now it seems like it will fight to the death to keep the other out. they hardly interact anymore and when they do its fighting. i mean is this something to be concerned about? also the one defending the anemone will stare the other in the face and almost start siezuring. he shakes like crazy then the other one will do it as well. is this normal behavior? also he pecks my hand like a crazy fish if i get anywhere near the bta(but i know thats heard of)


well it sound to me like the one that took up residence is more that likley the female or will more than likely be the female as the siezuring is a dance to find dominance. i could be wrong. so stay tuned for experts


Active Member
they are establishing dominance and the winner will become female. this can go on for quite some time and can get rather violent looking at times but is normal. dont worry it is not nearly as bad as it looks. just watch for niped fins and or other war wounds.