hey everyone, my tang had ick (or flutes) i couldnt really tell. ok i started a qt with heater, biowheel. it is a 20 gallon and the tang is about 3 inches long.
ever since i put him in there he has not been eating anything i try. he loved nori but doesent touch it now. its has been about 4 days since the qt started. the salinity is at 1.009 and everything including pH are normal.
the white spots are gone now. my question is should i normalize the salinity back to 1.025? i know this hasnt cured ick but i rather take my chances again with some other treatment lik copper as soon as i get him to eat again. he is looking pretty skinny now.
how should i proceed?
if i do raise salinity back, should i do it over the recommended 5 days or make it faster? i rather not starve him.
ever since i put him in there he has not been eating anything i try. he loved nori but doesent touch it now. its has been about 4 days since the qt started. the salinity is at 1.009 and everything including pH are normal.
the white spots are gone now. my question is should i normalize the salinity back to 1.025? i know this hasnt cured ick but i rather take my chances again with some other treatment lik copper as soon as i get him to eat again. he is looking pretty skinny now.
how should i proceed?
if i do raise salinity back, should i do it over the recommended 5 days or make it faster? i rather not starve him.