Clown Tang Or Naso Tang??


I am tired of loosing fish because they are incompatable. I was looking at getting either the Clown tang or Naso Tang.
Does anyone have any experience with clown tangs? I have heard that they are a sensitive fish.
I have a niger trigger, humu trigger, kole tang, lunar wrasse, clark clown, 2 domino damsels, and a blue damsel in a 175 Gallon tank.
I was also thinking about adding another wrasse and a butterfly fish. But, don't know which ones or when. Any recommendations on this would be great too.
Mike H.


Active Member
to add to what trey said, clowns are one of, if not the most agressive tangs. and yes they are super sensitive. if i were you and you wanted a tang id get a purple. they are pretty and pretty hardy as tangs go. bo


This is strictly my opinion... The Naso Tang has the best personality of any Tang out there on the market. My Naso seems to behave just like a dog when it comes to feeding time. Tail wagging, following your every move. People are always amazed how crazy he gets at just the site of the can of food. He's always in your face when your looking into the tank(like he wants to make sure you see him). I give the Naso a definate thumbs up!

dr. jay

A clown tang started my ick problems a few months ago. STAY AWAY. Naso's are one of the few tangs that arent layden with the dreaded ick. They are active and hardy. Enjoy.


Clown tangs get a bad rep because most specimen are imported small, around 3 inches if not smaller. If you HAVE to have a clown tang make sure you get a large one, which can be hard to do. Larger specimen do better in aquariums then small ones. Or at least that has been my experiences seeing them die in tanks and seeing ones live. As far as a Naso tangs go. They are awesome! The only possible problem I can ever see w/ nasos is that they aren't aggrssive enough. I had one and that poor thing couldn't get to food fast enough. But other than that Naso are one of the best tangs to get. I personally like the Blonde Naso tangs. TJ


I have owned both, I got the clown when it was about 5 in. started off real well then became aggressive towards the other fish, he went back, got the naso great fish from start to finish, I traded him in was getting picked on by my trigger. IMO get the naso. I would not put another wrasse in with you lunar it is sure to be death. I have a Auriga butterfly, very good fish, very hardy, he survived a heater trying to boil a tank with no problems. Good Luck


Like everyone else said clowns are hard to acclimate and if they do it will have the worst attitude problem you have ever seen in a fish. Naso tangs are great fish, they just get big! Your lunar wrasse will most likely kill any other wrasse and I would not reccomend it. As for a buttterfly they are not usually agressive eaters and are sensitive. It is not impossible for you to get one, but I would pry stay with more agressive fish like an angel instead.


I had a clown tang for about 7 months and out of no where it died,he was about 3". It is best to find a larger one, but they dont usually ship well when larger. The most important thing to do is to get it from a reliable source. It depends how big your fish are in your tank now,and how much room you have,if it were me I would get both. Or if you like the stripes and shape of the clown but are still a little reluctint,go with the much hardier sohal.
Go for the Naso, its like a puppy :D It will follow you back and forth while your by your tank it will eat out of your hand, Heck I think if I worked on it long enough mine would play fetch with its lettuce clip :D