Clown Tang with...


Hi all,
My LFS has a very nice clown tang for sale. Will it get along with:
1 hippo tang
1 lopezi tang
2 small perc clowns
1 coral beauty
2 cleaner shrimp
I've also read that clown tangs are hard to keep. True?
All tangs are about the same size (2-3"). Tank is a 125g reef (well, ONE piece of coral so far)
So far no problems with the coral beauty and the coral or other fish. All fish currently get along very well and obviously I want to keep it that way.
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I am going to go with no for the body shape argument..The clown and the Lopezi are prety similar...Plus he is probably pretty territorial


That's what I was thinking too, about the similar body shape. Think I'll pass on it. I have a nano tank too, but it's way too small for it (24g). Oh well...