Clown Tang wont eat

I've tried algae sheets, flakes with garlic, nls pellets, veggie pellets, brine with garlic, just shows no interest in food. Swims around normally and curious just not curious for food. I'm thinking of trying live brine next. Does anyone have any suggestions.


Is there something in the water or what?
I posted on Monday that my Kole Tang is not eating, and I have tried everything. I am going to try Roman Lettuce and soak some food in garlic tonight. I feel your pain.
Is your fish grazing on algae on the live rock or glass???? My kole is at least doing that
as of now he's been in qt since i got him last sunday... not much to graze on but my nerves... he's around 3-4 inches so i guess he's more prone to survival than the smaller ones but he just won't eat


Active Member
Originally Posted by AfreeKanBlakk
as of now he's been in qt since i got him last sunday... not much to graze on but my nerves... he's around 3-4 inches so i guess he's more prone to survival than the smaller ones but he just won't eat
Did you see him eat at the lfs? These are extremely difficult fish to acclimate and to get eating; they are generally considered an "expert only" fish. They are one fish I'll never try again. By all means, try live brine. Even herbivores, like tangs, are usually interested in live food. Try some other meaty foods too, like mysiss. Not eating since Sunday is not an unusual amount of time; but every day makes it more of a problem.


I have tried one and got it eating but not enough for it to survive with how active it was. Best of luck though. Also try having him by himself in a smaller tank so that he is the only one that can get the food as well.


I had a clown that wouldn't eat. Luckily he picked at the rock long enough to keep him alive. Then one day he just started eating, and then he became the biggest horse in the tank. Have a desjardini tang that did the same thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by HOBrien
I have tried one and got it eating but not enough for it to survive with how active it was. Best of luck though. Also try having him by himself in a smaller tank so that he is the only one that can get the food as well.
I guess I just assumed the fish was in QT (I hope he is) and by himself. A healthy clown tang is a very aggressive fish that won't hesitate to get to any food he wants. Often, with aggressive fish like this, other fish actively eating will bring on the feeding behavior in the newcomer.
He's currently in qt with a clown fish. He isn't being challenged for food he just chooses not to eat. I drop it right in front of him, it hits his face and he swims away. Thinking bout trying to return him be4 he goes into sudden death.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AfreeKanBlakk
He's currently in qt with a clown fish. He isn't being challenged for food he just chooses not to eat. I drop it right in front of him, it hits his face and he swims away. Thinking bout trying to return him be4 he goes into sudden death.
If you can still get credit for him , I would. These fish are very hard; even for very experienced hobbiests with huge tanks.


Bringing this old thread back life. I just got one yesterday in a 200 marine gallon tank. He is biting at my coral which is dead. Been leaving algae sheets in the tank at all times for when he starts to graze.


New Member
I jst got a baby one (1.5 incher) for my 150 fowlr. Ate well at lfs but at home in display very timid and barely eating