Clown Tang


New Member
I got a clown tang two days ago and I stil can't get him to eat anything. I tried putting in some dryed seaweed, and formula two frozen food. But no luck... what else do they like to eat?


Active Member
This website says flake, brine and pellet. Really generic if you ask me. Are there other fish in the tank? What size of tank? A couple of days is not life threatening, alot of time they will start out of the clear blue sky and eat like crazy. Good luck.


Active Member
give us some numbers...
what size tank do you have?
what are your water parametors?
what else is in the tank?
how big is the tang?
any other symptoms of something?


Active Member
Unfortunately the CLown Tang often will not accept food and does not have a high survival rate in captivity. Keep trying and soak the food in garlic
So you know these tangs if they do survive will become quite aggessive as they mature. Just an FYI.


New Member
Right now I put the clown and two damsels in a ten gallon.
The Clown tang is about 2"-3" inch


Active Member
Originally Posted by BAGGIN
Right now I put the clown and two damsels in a ten gallon.
The Clown tang is about 2"-3" inch
A ten gallon tank is too small for a juvy clown tang. They are open water swimmers that require plenty space. This could be your probelm..although they are difficult to get eating and they do not have a good survival rate as I stated.
I am hoping you have a larger set-up of at least 6 feet in lenght for the long-term housing of the tang.
if not, you may want to consider returning the animal for a credit.


New Member
I have a 75 gallon is that big enough for him?
One of the damisels died last night cant figure out why.


New Member
Help I cant figure out why damsile died all the water levels look good, all the water in tank is arrowhead water. Any ideas
Thinking of moving clown tang into 75 gallon but worred the water diffrence will hurt him because 10 gallon is arrowhead water and 75G is tap with condition will he be ok in there?
Also im concerned that there might be too much LR in 75G it takes away from her swimming room I have 120 Lbs LR....
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
i heard that the water needs to be perfect to keep one. saw on at my trusted lfs swimming in a 200 gallon tank. just swimming and swimming doging the corals. it was really cool.