Clown Tang


I remember seeing a pic of a clown tang on this forum. I just purchased one and was wondering what is best to feed it. If anyone has one I'll take all the advice you can give me on them. So far I have read they are pretty difficult to keep. So far he is eating mysis and emeral entree and doing well in the tank. This is one fish I didn't research before I purchased and I hope I won't be sorry. Here are some pics.



He is a beautiful fish and appears to be in good health.
This species can grow to an extremely large size-18-20 inches in the home aquaria and needs a very large tank. They also require immaculate tank conditions, clean, highly oxygenated water and are considered to be extremely aggressive towards all other tangs or fish of similar body type. I see you have at least one other tang in your tank
now-hope that works out well
How large is your tank?
Remember to give your fish seaweed several times a week.


Active Member
Definitely a tough fish to keep, but if you keep your water parameters where they should be and DEFINITELY keep it on a highly nutritious variety of foods, it should do well given the appropriate tank size and tank mates.
What I would recommend is frozen Formula A and B (very nice mixes of seafood), frozen Algae Formula, maybe some kelp, freeze-dried seaweed or nori, and mysis.
Also, I would use vitamins and garlic on his food. Vitamins include Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem.


Yea they are one of the majorly difficult fish to keep, needs a very high nutrient diet with lots of algae supplements. Also note that this is the only venomous tang.


i have one and i like him always you can see him swim , they like to play with the high flow from the pump , eat like a pig , and he is not aggressive to has it writing , my powder blue more aggressive and chase him all the time , i garaz him with a lot of seaweed and frozen food that i make.
i feed him 2 time a day and i mix with my food and on the seaweed : garlic,selcon, zoecon,vitamin c.


Active Member
looks real nice, thats my favorite fish as you can tell by my avatar. good luck with him :happyfish


he used to have one but got rid of it because their tank was to small 45 gallons i think


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
he used to have one but got rid of it because their tank was to small 45 gallons i think

yup, youre right. my lfs sold it to my parents, it was very small. about 3.5"
they also sold them a unicorn tang, about 4".
we got rid of both of them :happyfish