clown tang

my lfs has a few of them for sale, very hard fish to keep usually dont last long, but they are my favorite. If youre going to buy one make sure you do some background info since I believe these have some special needs.
This is some info I found in live
The Clown Tang, also known as the Clown Surgeonfish, Lined Surgeonfish, or Blue-banded Surgeonfish, has horizontal blue striping on a bright yellow to orange background. It also has large peduncle spines.
A 150 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. It requires very clean, properly oxygenated water. It is aggressive towards other Tangs, Surgeonfish, and fish with similar body shapes or feeding patterns.
The diet of the Clown Tang should consist of algae and vegetarian items such as Spirulina, zucchini, broccoli, leaf lettuce, and dried seaweed.
So if you have 8' you could try one out.


Active Member
I feel sorry for him, he is 15.00 at ***** in a 10gallon tank. I might have to try him out just to save his life.


the ***** here has a clown tang listed as "assorted tang" for 17 dollars....he is beautiful and was active when i saw him, but he is in a very small tank with several other fish....wish i could take him, but i already have a hippo....


Active Member
I got him and brought him home. He seems to love his new home. he is going around and around the entire tank. He swims like a mad man. I felt so sorry for the little guy. He ate flake and brine last night with garlic and selcon.
you did a good thing dockery, got any pics, also im not sure but Ive read that clown tangs have venomous spines so watch out when handling these fish.