Clown to aggressive


in the new years i have noticed that my clown just "matured"
i now cannot do rock work or anything in the aquarium without getting beaten up by my 2 inch clown

My question is that is there anything that will make my clown less aggressive?



maybe changing the aquascape, try working in it with the lights off maybe when it has been in its rest zombie mode for a while


Active Member
Really not a lot you can do, with even reaquascaping the clown will still establish terrirory and attack you when your near it.


they cant hurt you...they scare me though becuase they will come out of the blue and slam my hand hahaha as said befor nothing you can really do
it scares me some time knowing that they will slam anything, when im cleaning my tank (i scrape it with a razor) i always try and keep the blade on the glass becuase im worried that they will slam the sharp part and i will have a headless clow floating in my tank
and no i will not use anything else to clean my glass its the fastest and less work way for me to do it, some times i dont have alot of time to keep up with the tank and need to get it done


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefmate75
they cant hurt you...they scare me though becuase they will come out of the blue and slam my hand hahaha as said befor nothing you can really do
it scares me some time knowing that they will slam anything, when im cleaning my tank (i scrape it with a razor) i always try and keep the blade on the glass becuase im worried that they will slam the sharp part and i will have a headless clow floating in my tank
and no i will not use anything else to clean my glass its the fastest and less work way for me to do it, some times i dont have alot of time to keep up with the tank and need to get it done
For my glass i use a fake credit card - you know the ones you get in the mail all the time. They aren't as thick as the real ones, but they still do a great job on the algae. As for the coraline I may have to start using razor blades too.
As reefmate said, they won't hurt you - but check out the post in this forum with Bang about raising clown fish. He has a pick in there of a clown taking a small chunk out of his finger.