Clown Trigger colors fading


My Clown Trigger's color seems to be faded, it looks almost like his colors were bleached. This is diffrent than when his color changes at night or when he is stressed, this color change stays all the time. Does anyone know what this is or have seen anything like this?


I do a 10% water change every sunday. I have checked water amonia 0.00, nitrite 0.00, nitrate 10, ph 8.3, salanity 1.022, calcium 400, phosphate 0.25. I feed frozen clams, brine, mysis, emrald delight, bllod worms, beefheart, and flake, I soak in zoe,zoecon and garlic switch alternate soaks every day.


The fish seemed to fade suddenly. I have had the fish about 3 months. I have never used copper in my tank because i have live rock. He eats normally, but he hides a little more than he used to.i feed frozen emrald entrae, wich includes spirulina and pacifica plankton. the other fish seem ok and their colors are fine.


New Member
If your water chemistry is good the next thing is the water quality. You first might want to double check your alkalinity. However, my guess would be that he is low on vitamin B12 or vitamin C and possibly both. This will often cause growing fish to loose color. What I use on my juvanile fish is Hawian Marine Bio- Tip and Kent Marine C. GOOD LUCK!