clown trigger going nuts


I'm not sure what's causing this, but I recently bought a 5-6 inch clown trigger and after every time that I feed him, he flips out and starts to swim back and forth and randomly shakes violently. He'll mainly do this at the back of the tank against the rear glass. This only seems to happen after I feed him for about 5-10 minutes, and then he's fine. Could this be that he's seeing his reflection in the glass? I read something similar to that once.
I should mention that I'm currently treating the tank with copper for Ich, and my Yellow tang is battling and being treated for black ich.
Tank size = 125 Gal. FO
Ammonia = 0
Nitrates= 40
PH = 8.4
Inhabitants :
Clown Trigger
Yellow Tang
Tomato Clown
Domino Damsel
King Angel
Powder Blue Tang
Watchman Goby
Coral Banded Shrimp


I shop at a variety of places, but mainly Little Shop of Pets in Portsmouth. I have purchased a few fish at Sea World Pet Center in Salem. That place is great, but a little pricey. I got my King Angel, Yellow tang, and Clown there. It's a great place for larger fish. I'm actually on my way there today, funny enough!


i dont really have an opinion on the behavior but couple things ive noticed. why did u purchase a new fish when you are treating your tank for ich?? also your nitrates are a little high, i would try to bring them down to below 20ppm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ithorian_r
i dont really have an opinion on the behavior but couple things ive noticed. why did u purchase a new fish when you are treating your tank for ich?? also your nitrates are a little high, i would try to bring them down to below 20ppm.
Good point
I asked about the treatment because if he is treating the main tank with copper, lr, ls, inverts etc. will die and also doesn't the caulking on the tank obsorb the copper?


yeah ive heard that as well. ive even heard people say that if you have ever used copper in a tank, dont put inverts in it. even if you clean it out and such...but this could just be people over-reacting.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ithorian_r
yeah ive heard that as well. ive even heard people say that if you have ever used copper in a tank, dont put inverts in it. even if you clean it out and such...but this could just be people over-reacting.....
No, thats what I'm saying because the tank WILL always be contaminated? Stupid LFS advice I gaurantee it!