Clown Trigger in a 75 gal......thoughts????


New Member
I keep reading these strong opinions about you shouldn't put certain fish in smaller tanks because of their growth potential. I guess I'm wondering what is wrong with keeping these fish before they get to that point?


Active Member
The problem is that they do get to that point of being too big in too small of aquarium. At that point there basically 3 options, get a larger aquarium, get rid/sell the fish, or just keep the fish in the same aquarium.
Planning ahead to upgrade your aquarium is far from easy. No one can predict the future. Who knows what financial hurdles, wife/kids/college/etc lie ahead in 1-3 years time. If someone can afford the larger aquarium now, it would make very little sense to wait to set it up.
Planning on getting rid of or selling the fish is easier said that done. Over that period of time, many owners become rather attached to their fish, and getting rid of them is extremely difficult emotionally. The flip side, is that finding homes for large adult fish is equally difficult. Most like to see their own fish grow, rather than buy/take in someone else's adult fish.
And for those two reasons usually the fish, now grown and larger, sits in a too small aquarium. I am guilty of this myself. I had my Naso tang in a 125gal. For a little less then 2 years all was fine, but he was growing and the 125gal wasn't cutting it anymore. I planned on upgrading, but the jobs weren't rolling in after college. So he sat in the 125. Times changed about a year after, I was able to setup a 240gal. Which to be honest is still going to be a little small in the long run. Luckily my situation improved. Other people, in today's economy, aren't so lucky.


New Member
Thanks for the insight. My tank is set up in my retail showroom so I really wont have a problem with getting attatched. A bigger tank really isn't an option I don't have the room. I was curious about how long I would have to enjoy a clown trigger before I would have to down size? In average conditions how long would it take a 1" to 1.5" trigger to out grow a 75 gal? If you think a Clown Trigger would out grow it within 12 to 18 months then I might consider other options.