Clown Trigger in reef tank



Can someone please tell me why I would loose 2 clown triggers in a row in my reef tank. Water quality is perfect but something is killing them.
I have a domino damsel a clownfish feather dusters, mushroom pollips, sally lightfoot crab,anemonie crab, starfish and about 10 red legged snails please help.


The clown triggers were small from SWF about 2' my other fish are not big either


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
what size are the fish?
Yes, most small juvies dont make to try an older juvie or near adult....In a reef ??? a 55g ???


I had a clown trigger before in a reef. It started going mad after it got strong from Brine. haha Of course I got rid of it


i had one in my reef ..he survived for like 6 months an then he just loosed the right to live...he died for no reason at all !!! he was about 5 inches !!!
and yes is worth the triyed the look beatiful in a Reef !!!
My 2 cents..


Active Member
I would agree that tank size is a general concern in the not too distant future, even if the triggers are small. But it was probably not the immediate problem. As mentioned, the juveniles are commonly an issue I am afraid. They don't have the best survival rate.
But for sure, do remember that they are not the best fish, IMO, for a reef tank. They will consume, happily, shrimps, crabs, snails, stars and many other creatures. If you value ANY of your other tank inhabitants, I would strongly reconsider getting this fish. They can, in time, terrorize smaller fish (if not kill them). And due to their feeding requirements, can impact the overall water quality, leading to problems down the road with corals.
Though a beautiful fish, I would personally consider some of the other triggers if you wish to have them in a reef. Or better yet, keep the 55 a reef with small fish, and buy a much larger tank to showcase the trigger long term


Thaks to evryone for all there help I don't think I will try another for a long time a little to expensive for me also.