Clown trigger set up advice


I now have a 90 gallon reef and I am setting up a 75 gallon fish only tank. I want to know if I can put a small clown trigger in the 75 gal. and let it grow into a adult. Also I need other fish suggestions.


Active Member
IMO, way small for a clown trigger. Their adult size is around 20", the width of a 75 is only 18.5'.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jewtity
when will a clown trigger ever get 20 inches in someones tank, thats pretty massive
When kept in a proper sized tank.
It would last a while in that tank (1-2 years, imo)
The problem is, when it is that cramped, it will likely be extremely aggressive. I wouldn't recommend ANY other fish in there.


yea that tank would be huge to produce a 20" clown trigger, ur only going to find those sizes in the wild


Active Member
Natural adult size is what you should use when deciding on a tank regardless of what size they so called "normally" get in captivity.
Originally Posted by MA
I now have a 90 gallon reef and I am setting up a 75 gallon fish only tank. I want to know if I can put a small clown trigger in the 75 gal. and let it grow into a adult. Also I need other fish suggestions.
I see no problem with it as long as you are prepared to move it to a larger tank before it outgrows the 75. I'd say you'll have a good year and a half to enjoy him in there, but be planning and saving up for the upgrade. If you are hoping to keep it with other fish, put them in the larger tank before introducing the clown. Tempermant varies on triggers, but be prepared for the worst. There are tons of horror stories about triggers getting along fine with tankmates "until suddenly, one day...." :scared:
I've got a 3 incher alone in a 65 and am already building the sump and skimmer for the 210...


150 would be the smallest. I just set up a 180 for a Queen. I'm glad I went with the larger tank. She's happy


Active Member
At my lfs someone traded in a 20" clown trigger that they bought as a juvi from the same place a couple years prev. Just something to ponder if you think they won't reach 20" in your tank.
Any chance you could get a picture of that? I've never seen one over 12 to 14" and would love to lay my eyes on a huge clown.
Also, what is the store asking for it? Oscars are worth $5 when 15", because of the lack of demand. I wonder if the same holds true with triggers.


Active Member
I just picked up a 180 gallon set-up real cheap ($250) for tank, stand, etc. I am torn whether to do a Albino Oscar breeding tank with a Royal Clown knife or a salt tank.
IF i do a salt I was considering juat a single tesselata Eel or a Clown Trigger and a large eel as a combo. Any Suggestions? I thought maybe a yellow morph Golden Tail Moray or a Jeweled Moray.
Any thoughts?


Originally Posted by Russy Pelican
Oscars are worth $5 when 15", because of the lack of demand. I wonder if the same holds true with triggers.
The nice thing about 'some' salt water fish is once they outgrow your tank youll have no problem finding someone to take a large, show size fish. Panther groupers, volitans, porc puffers, etc arnt really in demand, but Id imagin almost any LFS would take a 8"+ emperor angel, clown trigger, etc.


New Member
i'd prefer to live in a 18,000 square foot mansion, but i'd survive, literally and figuratively, in a 1800 square foot apartment...


New Member
Originally Posted by xDave
Natural adult size is what you should use when deciding on a tank regardless of what size they so called "normally" get in captivity.

ya, i bought some F1 zaire blue frontosas at about 0.5-0.75in each. i wouldn't dream of growing them out in a 30gal tank. all 5 of those inch-longs need at the MINIMUM, 300 gallons.